QIC:   Novacaine

Well today’s forecast was a serious case of swamp ass. Please pardon my language. 70 degrees and like 9000% humidity. So it was a fantastic morning to see what  Novacaine  had in mind and this is how it went down.

1 minute of little arm circles
1 minute of reverse LAC
10 neck rolls to the left
10 neck rolls to the right
10 kangaroo jumps

Take a short mosey from the park to ACHS football field little over 1 mile mosey. Once we got there we ran up and down the steps on the home team side if YHC remembers correctly there are 7 sets of steps. Down to the track and mosey to the visiting side and karaoke up and down the steps 6 sets of steps. Mosey back to home side.

American Hammer x 10 IC
LBC x 10
And some Yoga

Then we started round to of the steps. This round karaoke home side and back on the visiting side box Jumps.

Over to stadium house for some dips
but with a twist. There were two benches so what we did was hands on one bench and feet up on the other. 10 dips then a 10 count 9 dips then a 9 count and so on do to 1 dip 1 count.

Mosey back to the park taking a different route and done.

“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:27‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

  1. Moleskin
    So again another very interesting start to a workout.  Novacaine  sent me a text saying he might be running a few minutes late. Ok man no problem we will start warm up until you get there. Like 10 seconds later YHC phone starts ringing and it’s my man  Novacaine . And this was his response hey man does anyone have a pair of shoe I can borrow. I thought about do my workout bear foot but I want to do some running. So here’s what happen to poor oh  Novacaine  he though he left his shoes at his office and when he got there to get his shoes no shoes could be found. So long sorry short  Novacaine  and YHC have the same size foot. Not s whole lot of mumble chatter sense there was only 3 PAX but hey we got better.

Posted by Clifford for  Novacaine


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