QIC:  Double Bogey

My day started by getting up, donning my super hero F3 outfit, and out the door.  I wasn’t at all surprised to run into a thick mist as I drove to the Den.  What a storm we had from last night.  YHC only had 4 hours of sleep because I could not go to bed without my phone being charged in fear of waking up late.  Power came on, phone charging, alarm set, I sleep.  I pulled up to the Den, got out to do some stretches as I waited on the other six.  And then the fun started.

Warmups: Windmills ICX15
Annie ICX15
Arm Circles Front ICX15
Arm Circles Back ICX15
Alternating Toe Touch ICX15
Mountain Climbers ICX15
Imperial Storm Troopers ICX15
Prisoner Squats ICX15
Monkey Humpers ICX15

We’ve lined up for Indian Run Catch Me If you Can
and ran around A/O to dumpster.  Good job to all the men who conquered this.

At the blue dixie dumpster we did the following: 5 LBC’S
Ran down hill & did 5 Merkins
Bear crawled up hill & did 10 LBC’S
Ran down hill & did 10 Merkins
Bear crawled up hill & did 15 LBC’S
Ran down hill & did 15 Merkins
Bear crawled up hill & did 20 LBC’C
Then we Al Gored it until all PAX finished

I wanted to utilize that hill because apparently F3 loves hills.  Starting at the top of the hill we Bear Crawled down the hill backwards and then we Bernie Sanders up the hill backwards.  Ohh we’ve felt the burn on that one.  This we did 5 times.

We then ran with the burn in our legs to the brickwall of the A/O and did the following: Step-ups ICX15
Triceps Dips ICX15
Incline Merkins ICX10
Derkins ICX10

We ran to our blocks and did: Curls for the girls ICX15
Squats ICX15
Calf Raises ICX10
Bench Presses ICX15
Kettle Bells OYOX15
Rinse And Repeat

We ran back to meet Mary from where we started.  Who is Mary?  This we did: ABC OYO
American Hammer ICX10
Boat/Canoe (I think the PAX loved this one)
Dolly ICX10
Flutter Kicks ICX10
Dying Cockroach ICx10
Captain Thor 10X OYO

WOD: Matthew 5:13-16

You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. 14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

We all shine a light and that light symbolizes God’s love. We all possess the power in helping others shine their light for the good of mankind. Our light can shine on the truth that the darkness tries to hide. Everywhere we go, we are surrounded by people. People who were created by God. People made with a purpose. People made in the image of our Heavenly Father. Yet most of them don’t know Jesus. We walk through life with this wonderful gift of Salvation, but do we share it with those around us? People matter to God. The question is, do they matter to you?

I want to thank all the godly men for coming out to my VQ. I hope you all walked away feeling satisfied and in pain. Pain is good.

Hugs & Kisses- Double Bogey



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