QIC:  Two Stroke

YHC had the honor of leading the Granite Strong Men at 300 this week.  Here’s how it went…

Warm-Up- SSH 20 IC, Humpys 15 IC, Windmills 15 IC, Hairy Rockettes 15 IC, TWIG SHOWED UP 5 merkins for everyone Thanks TWIG, IST 10 IC, Hillbillys 10 IC, Uncle Carls 10 IC, Chinooks 10 IC, Arm circles 10 IC

Mosey to stairs for One leg hops to top, run across and down. Rinse repeat for other leg.

Mosey to hill. Start with 1 4 count Low Country Crab, run to top 10 4 count Mountain Climbers, back down for 2 Crabs, Back to top for 9 Mountain Climbers……..you get the picture..

Mosey toward practice field. Stop by benches for dips 20 IC, incline merkins 10 IC, Derkins 10 IC.

Mosey to block pile to grab two bricks each.

At hill took a round of clock merkins with 5 at 12, 3, 6, 9, and 12 o’clock.

circled up and grabbed an air chair. while in chair with bricks in hand, played patty cake 10 IC, wonder bras 10 IC, Muhammad Ali 10 IC, mountain climber 10 IC. Move to wall and grab a wall chair with bricks in hand, patty cake 10 IC (Charlie Foxtrot), wonder bras 10 IC, Australian Mountain Climbers 10 IC.

Head to field for some tire flip fun. Hey where’s the tires. Anybody see the tractor tires…Dang, my workout just got blowed up, let me walk around and look lost for a minute.  Blue 42, Rhino, Rhino. That’s YHC’s audible call. In field circle up for a round of jump lunges 10 IC, merkin rolls 10 OYO. karaoke to end of field then back to center. Another round of jump lunges 10 IC, merkin rolls 10 OYO. Power Skip (Frolicking) to other end of field, back to center. mosey back to flag.

Captain Thors 10 IC, Not so Lazy boys, LBCs 10 IC, Flutter kicks 10 IC, Kaitlyn Jenners 10 IC, Superman 30 secs, SSH until end of time (90 secs).

These Granite Men are strong. The only one that was worn out was YHC.

COT- Transformation- a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance; a metamorphosis during the life cycle.  In us, as humans, this process takes time and requires something of us. It requires discipline, patience, participation, the list goes on and on.  This is very true about any aspect of our lives. Especially our spiritual lives. What we need to know, understand, and be mindful of in regards to our spiritual transformation,  is that this process is a slow and steady one that will never be complete until we reach our eternal home. What is awesome is that we are not on our own in this endeavor.  We have the gift of the Holy Spirit from GOD that will help us grow and be more Christlike. All we have to do is cooperate, listen, and be obedient toward GOD.  We all have a long way to go to be more like Christ.  Along the way we will all experience ups and downs, goods and bads.  That’s ok because we have an Awesome GOD that is incredibly patient and offers total forgiveness to us as we go through this life of transformation.







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