QIC:  Clifford BRD

8 PAX at The Station on this dark, wet, and warm morning. YHC must say The Station is going strong and the men are even stronger. Great work from the PAX. If you haven’t had the chance to post at The Station yet what are you waiting for this place has endless possibilities. Ok so here’s how it went down.

SSH x 20 ic
IST x 15 ic
Copperhead Squat x 15 ic
American Tigerhold x 5 ic 9 count
Moroccan Nightclub x 50 ic
Merkin x 10 OYO

Step over to the low wall and introduce the men to 10 Cliff Hanger Merkins OYO

Take a shot mosey to the swings and introduce PAX to 10 Swerkins OYO we only had 4 swings so while 4 men got their Swerkin on the other 4 held Plank then flapjack.

Mosey to other side of the track and introduce PAX to 10 Squrkins OYO

Mosey to far end of the track for 10 ic Smurf jacks.

Short slow mosey to a very wet and steep hill for a little fun with Dora.
100 Overhead Claps
200 LBC
300 SSH
PAX started off doing Bear Crawls up the hill and running back down we got about half way through the LBC’s and YHC had enough of the stupid crawls so we finished out running up and down.

Mosey to a set of steps and got in some calf raises.
Left leg x 10 ic
Right leg x 10 ic
Both legs x 10ic

Mosey to YHC’s truck and unload the blocks.

5 blockees OYO
10 America hammers OYO
20 Bench press ic
25 Curls OYO

Step over to the picnic tables for 10 Cliff Hanger Arm-Ups

And last but t not least a little date with Mary

Flutter Kicks x 10 ic
Low Dollies x 10 ic
Jane Fonda’s x 10 ic each leg
Monkey Humpers x 10 ic

As Plank has said The Station is on fire we have a good average on Tuesday and Thursday. And YHC must say these guys are all beast. They hit it hard and push to the end. Like YHC said earlier if you haven’t posted The Station yet you need to. And sergeant orange you need to see this guys form on the Smurf Jacks. It’s perfect! It was a blast to be able to lead these men this morning and have the opportunity to show them new things. They had several new things threw at them and they nailed everyone of them with out missing a beat. YHC is going love to see what they come up with when they get their opportunity to lead.

““Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’”“For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.”“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
‭‭“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:31-34

Always an honor! Clifford out!!!


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