QIC:  Cropduster

This morning the air was warmish, coolish, dampish as 4 Men posted to Slingblade – Granite Falls own running workout.

At Slingblade we begin with the end – so we started with the COT.

YHC read from Joshua 24:14-15  In these verses Joshua has assembled Israel together for his last address to them.  He recounted the blessings God has given them over time and renewed his own commitment to the Lord and encouraged Israel to do the same.  This morning I challenged us to daily count our many blessings, and then renew our commitment to the Lord.  And then to do the same daily.


The Thang:

Today we explored the DAM at the MillPond down by Granada Farms.  Then we explored The Tater Hole down on Lake Rhodhiss.  For both areas we ran DOWN, then looped back to the starting point.  That makes 2 BIG downhills, followed by 2 BIG uphills.  But we were up for it this morning.

This morning after we made the turn at the DAM, I paired up with 2-stroke and learned some stuff about his musical tastes as he was streaming music on his phone as we ran.  He loves Led Zeppelin.  His favorite Zep song is “Ramble On”.   He likes bluegrass. He likes the Black Keys.  He likes The Avett Brothers.  He only started running last October.  He has yet to do a relay, but really wants to do one.  He loves his family.  He loves the Lord.  This is one reason I love to run – you get to know some of the coolest people.  I only hope 2-Stroke is saying the same thing this morning!  Ramble on, Brother.  🙂

Old School is a quiet running stud.  I mean he talks and all, but most don’t know that he has run a half marathon this year and is going to run the Bear later.  While the rest of us are talking about the races we are going to do or want to do, he is actually running them!  Ramble on, Brother.

Band (The Beard) Camp was like a Labrador Retriever today.  He is able to go much faster than most, so he would run ahead and then circle back to allow us to catch him.  Then he was gone again.  Our last sighting of him was while making the turn at The Tater Hole and then he kicked it up a notch or twelve and finished with gusto.  Ramble on, Brother.

As for me, my favorite Zeppelin tune is Heartbreaker / Living Loving Maid.  I love the transition from the slow, methodical rhythym of Heartbreaker and when it transitions to LLM, the energy always causes me to drum the steering wheel and give the rock and roll salute to all the blue hairs on the freeway.  And while running up those hills today I was in my usual form – dusting those crops and trying (unsuccessfully) to be discreet.  Ramble on, Cropduster.

OK, I guess that’s enough, cuz if you are still reading your name is The Cousin Eddie.  The best #comz in the F3Nation and one who will eventually hike up his short, short, shorts and declare:  #iAMarunner!  Ramble on, Brother.



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