QIC:  Markup

This morning 16 pax showed up to celebrate birthdays. We had 3 men who were celebrating their birthday with the oldest turning 60. I knew that we were going to have a few Merkins to complete in order to celebrate these birthdays but I kept the actual number a secret. Several pax had driven to Granite Falls from Hickory to celebrate Crop Duster’s birthday but wanted to head home once I announced that we were celebrating Friar’s and Herniator’s birthday too. That is a total of 138 Merkins. F3 Hickory has never celebrated more than 1 birthday at a time (I think) but I know we have never celebrated 3 birthdays at one workout. I also know that we have never completed 138 Merkins at the same workout in celebreation of birthdays. I had multiple requests to split up the Merkins which I had already planned to do.

Before the start of the run – Crop Duster was celebrated with 60 Merkins (How is this man 60!?!)
On the collapsing bridege – Friar was celebrated with 34 Merkins
On Top of the dam – Herniator was celebrated with 44 Merkins

This is a total of 138 MErkins in less than 6 miles.

We ran a total of 6 miles but the most fun was hanging out with the pax of Granite Falls and Hickory. We ran across a closed bridge because it is in poor condition and across a dam (where Granite Falls gets its name) with a nasty hill up to it as well as up and down some rolling hills. YHC had a great time running with various pax and enjoyed every moment of this morning.

Since the War Daddy was not done, he said he was running to the Tater Hole to get a few more miles in. When it popped up on my watch later, he had ran a total of 10 miles this morning. What a BEAST! It was brought to my attention along the run that someone will be turning 1/2 Crop Duster’s age in the next several days. I hope I can be 1/2 the man (or twice the man 🙂 ) that Crop Duster is when I turn 60.

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 (NIV)

6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

As we are going about life, we should be teaching our children about God. Not just at church but at all times.



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