QIC:  The Dude/ Plank / Clifford BRD

Something really cool is happening in F3 HIckory, once a month guys are getting away from the normal Saturday routine of meeting the same men and getting in a workout.  Once a month we are holding a workout at one of the three area Saturday AOs and getting everyone together for a Convergence.  This is building a stronger group and getting these guys to know the other F3 Brothers in the Hickory Region.  Today was one of those days, the area converged on F3 Taylorsville at the Copperhead Creek AO.  Some of the guys may not have ever been to Taylorsville before and had a chance to workout in one of the coolest AO’s in F3 HIckory.  Cooperhead Creek is at Matheson Park in Downtown TVille so welcome to all you guys.

25 posted for this event in the nice 20 degree weather.  F3 Taylorsville has a Post Hole Digger Shovel Flag and its baddass.  The Dude and Part Time Circled us up for the following COP

The Dude opened with a welcome and disclaimer for the 2 FNG’s

Low Plank Mnt Climbers   IC x 15

Part Time

SSH     IC x 15

The Dude

Some kind of Boogie Nights / Magic Mike / Breakdance    IC x 5

Part Time

Punisher Squats   IC x 10

Past off the torch to Plank for the following Route 66.  The TVille PAX have been talking about a run to the top of Lenny’s Mnt just outside of TVille downtown on Tower Rd. for some time, but never really had a good enough reason.  Its a really nasty climb to the top which gives a great panoramic view of all of Alexander Co and the surrounding Mnts.  Well what better reason than to share this with all of our F3 Hickory and F3 Granite Falls brothers.

Route 66 consisted of 3 exercises

Burpee, Squat, Star Jumps for 11 stops with the first stop consisting on 1 set of each and stop number 11 with 11 sets of each.

Ok the route traveled out of Matheson Park and up to the Parking Garage then on up to the Depot.  After that, we started our climb to Tower Rd.  Stop number 5 occurred just at the base of Tower Rd.  It was a daunting view of a massive hill that has a DEAD END sign, ok men lets run till we run out of road.  We began our climb and some of the PAX were able to make the complete pull, not YHC i needed three different rests along the way sucking a ton of O2.  Stop number 6 occurred at the top along with some extra credit.

  • Incline Merkins on the guardrail   IC x 10
  • Dips on the guardrail   IC x 10
  • Decline Merkins on the guardrail   IC x 10

Nice place to have a Selfie in order to remember this experience.  Done, now back down the big nasty hill for stop number 7, then to the depot for stop number 8.  We turned right and traveled on a side rd and noticed a sign on a building “FISH BAIT”, that would come into use a little later on.  Moved the PAX back to downtown for stop 9 in front of the courthouse.  With time running out, we made our way back through downtown toward the AO for stop number 10, then back to the Baddass Shovel Post Hole Digger Flag for our final stop number 11.  Total distance of 3.5 miles, nice work men.  If you didn’t see the graph of our run, Cropduster named it Mnt Areola…you get the picture.

Clifford BRD circled us up for the announcements and WOD

Upcoming Lenoir Launch, we are growing into Lenoir, because they need it.  Friar is heading this task up, launch first weekend in March. EH these men, and lets grow this thing to Boomer…!!

WOD Mathew  11  28-30

28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”


Lets reflect a minute evaluate this F3 thing.  Today was a great day to see that this thing works.  YHC was riding to the pre run with Taz who is not only a great neighbor, he is the guy that EHd YHC to come and tryout a workout with a bunch of guys too early in the dang morning.  Not saying anything about my superior running abilities, but i have personally tackled tasks and taken on challenges that 2.5 years ago if you said “hey we are going to run up Lenny’s Mt”, i would have laughed in your face.  However now along with my brothers in F3, i will take on that task and complete it one way or another.  The same is true for the men of F3 Taylorsville, these guys have done nothing but improve, i am so proud of what they are able to do and push each other to be better men.  Just keep posting men and keep EHing your fellow friends and neighbors cause you never know, this may be just what they are looking for. Thanks to all of the area AOs for coming out and sharing this time with us today, we look forward to many more in the gloom.  Welcome FNGs Fish Bait and Shaggy we are glad you found us and please continue to post!!! F3 Works!!!

Friar led us out in prayer.


Plank out


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