There is no greater love than to lay down ones life for another, & that mindset is so backwards of todays “Whats Best For Me” mentality. Therefore, I thought that it would only be fitting for todays workout to be the Old Er….backwards. But it didn’t stop there! To add […]
It all started with post from Swinger.  Who’s ready for a PBR Q in the morning? Let me tell you.  I was not ready for a PBR Q in the morning. I had no idea that I had Q in the morning.  Time to get the creative juices flowing. That […]
I woke up to my alarm, tried to reason with myself on why I didn’t need F3 this morning, not convinced so I  stumbled out of bed and out the house… without a watch and without knowing I had the Q.  As I’m walking up to the circle, I knew […]
Warmup – Side Straddle Hops, ATT, Imperial Storm Troopers. Lap around the block The Thang: We did a set of each of the following based on each Pax birthday: Burpees – Month of the year = # of burpees Suicide – Quarter of the year determined distance of suicide “Sprint” […]
5 Ruckers and 6 RAM’ers gathered on this good Friday morning for some early morning fun, F3 style. The Ruckers had already set a course North as YHC and 5 other PAX arrived at the AO. The RAM beatdown went like this. The Thang: Warm up IC SSH X 20 […]
Better late than never, YHC arrived a couple minutes early where he was greeted by all the HIM’s of F3 Lenoir. The mumble chatter was cranked up for the warmup Warmup Pickle Pounders, SSH, Hairy Rockettes, Abe-a-gota’s (lol, nailed it), Merkins THE THANG Moseyed to stadium stairs where we seen […]
That’s the question on PBR’s mind until he saw Swinger pull in at 5:14AM.  We posted the shovel flag and then began… warmup 20 SSH (pbr’s cadence count game was strong.  Saying this because it’s funny hearing cadence called with only one other pax responding) Finkle Swings 10 each leg […]
So QIC gave a preblast Wednesday night, warm mornin ahead, I promised no running, and those arms would get ripped! Great to see double Bogey and The Friar posting another strength day! But they did get a 4 am prerun in, so there’s that. Wheres those Hc’s, I don’t know, […]
It all started like a usual Friday morning.  Alarm goes off at 4:50 and I get up and get ready for another fun filled Infinity workout.  Get dressed and then a feel a rumble.  So to the office for some work.  Why am I adding this?  I really don’t think […]
Most good stories start with “Well we had been drinking and…” So with a 5:15 AM start time this story does not start like that but. It does start with me driving out of the neighborhood with my head out the windows because my windshield was covered in ice. Thats […]