Oh what a morning it has been. Alarm at 4:15 as usually, a little coffee brewing, and some sportscenter in preparation to pre run. Enjoying my coffee and decide to look to see who had the Q this morning at the mount. To my surprise it was me. Immediately I […]
In the 40’s and all the dudes from Burnsville showed up in shorts and tshirts (just Doc) YHC was layered up like Powder at a sub 70 post. We threw on some weight and took a walk. Found some blocks and it went like this. One guy farmer carries two […]
It’s Tuesday April 6th 2021. You know what happens in about 3 short months? …its “sun’s out, guns out season at Dirty Myrtle and YHC ain’t showing up unprepared.  So, crack open an ice cold Keystone and let’s get started.. but before we get started, Patti has to run back toward […]
YHC arrived a bit early and put unlaminated sheets around the CLOCK (aka Trinity Ridge). Two pre-runners (Patti Mayo and Doughboy) passed YHC and threatened to tear them up… …may need to work with Reading Rainbow to get these things laminated… Short Sale shares his experiences losing his way and […]
How about a quick one since YHC is typing this BB on his phone… *sidenote / Doc has chosen to self quarantine since he and his M are expecting their first 2.0 in the next couple of weeks. YHC drives past Doc’s hood on my way to the Mount and […]
This went down at The Mount – Not in this order, but it all happened 5                                                                Good Mornings 10                                                             Forward Lil Arm Circles 10                                                            Reverse Lil Arm Circles 10                                                            Windmill 10                                                           ATT 10                                                           Humpies 15                                                             Smurf Jacks 10 Parking Lot Spaces                              Bear Crawl 10 Park Lot Spaces                                    Lunge Walk 20 […]
YHC has an 8.5×11 paper collection. This is no ordinary paper collection. This paper collection only includes papers with terrible things printed on them, like “Hand Release Burpees” and “No Surrenders”. This paper collection started innocently enough with about 10 sheets of nicer things like “LBC’s” and “Side-Straddle Hops” after […]
Couple of No No’s coming up.  Reminder that that’s what my 2.3 calls a Cuss Word.     There seems to be no other appropriate quote to describe 2020: I’ve smoked dope, chewed rope, danced, French romanced, fucked, farted, fought, shot the moon and drove big trucks. I’ve been to Janesville […]
Unfortunately for everyone at the Mount, with Christmas comes Yule Logs, so YHC arrived early with a truckload. But before we enjoyed the festivities, YHC introduced himself, welcomed everyone to the Mount for the celebration, gave a disclaimer, and then jumped into a little warm-up: 25 Side-straddle Hops (for, you […]
5:30am came quick as fellow PAX’ers arrived with smiles and bells and gloves and stocking caps and, I’m guessing, a few layers! It was a soothing 27 degrees upon arrival under an Earth-shattering star-lit sky one can look at and get lost in wonder and amazement. We started with a […]