I arrived early and that happens once a year. I was welcomed by SWINGAAAAAA! I asked him how he was doing and he said “I’m too blessed to be stressed”. That was an awesome statement at 5:13 am. Then Bismarck and Spokes showed up and we got started. Warmup – […]
Weather: Balmy 63 degrees, light fog, day is just dawning. You know PAX are amped for the run when you roll in 15 minutes early and the parking lot is already nearly full! This being the 5th time that the region has hosted the annual ascent of Hibriten “mountain”, folks […]
Quite a foggy morning on the ride in from Cajah’s Mountain; was even hard to see the lights on the tree in the Town Hall park.  Rolled into the AO with Deuce and Grout on my heels.  Hanger had been out doing his Soccer Referee fitness test (probably should include […]
Pre: Twin’s optimism at finding substi-q’s once again showed itself as the scheduled Q was listed as “hold.” YHC jumped at the opportunity to lead the workout to ensure we only did exercises that I enjoy.  Warmup: SSH IC x 25 (except for Bismarck, who protests starting any warmup with […]
Check Q calendar; it’s Audit. Love the brother, but likely he’s not showing.  Rolled up to A/O to find only Bismarck. After deciding that no one else was coming; we decided who took Q by a quick game of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” and YHC won Q. Begin standard warmup stuff. […]
What’s this?  A BackBlast by a F3 Lenoir PAX?  It’s been a minute or whole bunches of minutes since we saw one of these…think RX posted the last one in late September.  Here goes… Warm Up (IC) Side Straddle Hops LBAC’s (Forward, 30 second hold, Backward, 30 second hold, Overhead […]
Began with a 2 1/2 mile jaunt/prerun with Bismarck. Did the usual greetings with a shout out to our world traveler Hanger who increased our vocabulary.   After warm ups we did the following  B  burpees#5 run around the block(ratb) A arm raises merkins #10 ratb D dips #15 ratb […]
Started with the usual side straddle hops, alternating toe touches and arm circles. Next mosey to the bridge on the greenway for some squat action. Next to the library for some squats and merkins. Next to the the church parking lot to some observance of a deer and some squats, […]
So I was informed that I had Q for Prison Break. Feeling lazy, I went to my folder of saved workouts from the past. I usually make up whatever terrible exercises we are going to do at work and over the last few years, I’ve got quite a few workouts […]
As seems to be a theme in Lenoir, we had another leader-less workout. Scratch that, we had a leader-full workout. We still had some tired arms from yesterday’s “capoot” Ironpax workout, so we decided early that we’d need to avoid merkins, or really any arm or chest exercises. I asked […]