DATE: 2023-04-01
AO: Copperhead-Creek-Tville
Q: Pedro Martini
PAX: 3dog, Shawshank
FNGs: PBJ, Powerband, Lambchop
WARMUP: Meet at the parking deck under threat of rain

SSH x 10
Humpies x 10
Good Morning x 10
ATT x 10
Jog down and back


Itsy Bitsy Spiders x 10
Squats x 15
Up Down Merkin x 10 (find a curb, Q says up- walk your hands up on curb and do a merkin, Q says down- walk handles back down and do a merkin. Rinse repeat) Fast Feet x 10
Bank lap jog

Wall Plank x 2 (face wall in plank position, put hands on wall slightly below shoulder level and hold plank with arms out keeping core tight till failure or time) Lunge walk down 1/2 way and Bernie back
Bear crawl inch worm 1/2 way
Suicides on top deck
Jump rope…

Asheville Abs
Flutter kicks
Tiger Hold x3

Cousin Eddie inspired this next part with his Mort ‘24 announcement.

Play O Death by Ralph Stanley… do burpees for the entirety. Proceed to die.

Finish with 52 Morroccan Night Clubs (104 total) for 3Dogs Bday

WOD: If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive them



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