DATE: 2023-03-25
AO: 300
Q: Babyface
PAX: Banjo, ThinkTank, Miss Kitty
FNGs: None
I showed up to a dark storm rolling in. The PAX were hiding in the cars at it hit time and just then the skies opened up! Perfect time to get started….

WARMUP: Standard stuff but we ran over to the bus shelter to get started. Stay dry when you can!

THE THANG: Mosey to front of school for 11s, back and forth between the stairs. Mosey around back to get some wall work. By now the rain has cleared so we karaoke down the parking lot. Back to the school and around back to block pile. Ruj through some block work while we take turns on the pull-up bar. Return our blocks and head back to AO.

MARY: Time for some Big Boys and Flutters. Also threw in some split leg V-ups during the workout.

COT: Find joy in things that you are not excited for. It may mean the world to someone else!



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