DATE: 2023-01-26
AO: Station
Q: Stovepipe
PAX: Gump Got Gumption, jeff allen- o’douls, Chad Bolick-Diamond Dave, Pony, Stovepipe, Jake Brake, Lynn Starnes-Delivery, Misfire, HayHay, Gasman FNGs: None
(G)round Touching Squats (23)
(O)verhead Press (23)
(A)lternating Toe Touch (23)
(T)winkle Toes (23)
Counterama Plank Merkins (100)
THE THANG: Mosey around the Big City of Conover with 4 stops and do a round of JORDAN! (J)ump Squats (23) (J)ump Rope (23)
(O)utlaws (23)
(R)ocky Balboas (23) (R)edbull Smurf Jacks (23)
(D)iamond Merkins (23) (D)ollys (23)
(A)merican Hammers (23) (A)ligator Merkins (23)
(N)innie Knockers (23)
Calf Raises (23)R (23)L (23) Together
MARY: 👣 Slappers (23)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mortimer 3-25
COT: The 23rd Psalms: Lord = Shepherd…Protect and nurture your flock!
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