DATE: 2023-01-26
AO: Hurler
Q: Banjo
PAX: Banjo, Bogey, Creamsicle, DeuceF3, KLEENEX, Lynn Crump (Taterhole), Twig FNGs: Untagged: Poodle, Assid
WARMUP: SSH, Humpys, ATT, windmills
THE THANG: Bear crawls and ascending Merkins
Spoke: Merkins in the middle with Carolina dry docks, dips, rock n moroccan’s, overhesd clap.
Lunge walks with 10 copperhead squats every third line.
Spoke: lunge jumps in the middle with squats, copperhead squats, sumo squats, and catcher squats.
Stadium stairs: 5 dips on each step descending then box jump your way back up X 3 sets.
15 stripper squats, run 40ish yards jump over the loading dock and back X 5
MARY: high low plank and groiners
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pray for Taterhole and family as the celebrate his fathers life.
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