DATE: 2023-01-26
AO: Star
Q: Medball (Nan’tan)
PAX: Belding, Sparkles, Markup, Chris Diamond/ Ricky Bobby
FNGs: Stick Shift
WARMUP: 2 burpees, 5 GT squats, 4 burpees, Hillbillies IC, 6 burpees, agitators IC, 8 burpees, Michael Phelps IC, 10 burpees THE THANG:
EMOM (2 rnds + mosey x 3)
10 merkins
8 grinders
6 jump squats
Ladder 10 – 1
Alarm clocks and Batmans
bear crawl up, mosey back
EMOM (x4 w. mosey in between)
5 burpees
5 GT squats
5 merkins
5 easy V’s
For those counting – Totals: 50 burpees, 130 merkins
MARY: Flutters kicks, gas pumps, crossfit sit-ups, American hammers ANNOUNCEMENTS: Star service day 2/11, Paintball, Mortimer
COT: BE THE HIM we’re trying to build through F3. Make the right choice and if you mess up, make the next right choice.
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