DATE: 2023-01-21
AO: Copperhead-Creek-Tville
Q: Tapeworm
PAX: The Dude, 3dog, Belding, Pedro Martini, Medball (Nan’tan) FNGs: Tool Man
WARMUP: Normal
THE THANG: Indian run, 🐻 crawls, lunge walks, 🚦, 4 corners at the parking deck, wheel barrows (debut of solo wheel barrow stair climb, by ToolMan) MARY: 📦 cutters, LBC’s
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Qsource, Mortimer, Tville 8-year
COT: Galatians 6:9
-some great 2nd F followed at Bojangles, at least it was open
-Tapeworm will never run out of exercises since every one of his Q’s is in sequence in his phone,
-Don’t tell Tool Man he can’t do a one man wheel barrow exercise…he’ll prove you wrong
-Belding can wear shorts in the 30’s…but drop into the 20’s and even he’ll agree it’s cold (and start doing those stupid burpees- MABA)
-3 dog has multiple highlighter toboggans, so let him run upfront to alert cars, unless he follows the wrong stoplight…then everyone’s messed up
-watch out when the Dude wears those wind pants…you’ll likely find his keys on the ground (there’s a hole in their, Bud…and it won’t fix itself)
-most people think Pedro is a great preacher…although there have been reports of people pulling their own teeth out during his sermons (yes, more than once)
TCLAPS Tvill! Twas a good time!
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