DATE: 2023-01-14
AO: Whipping-Stick
Q: Chad Bolick-Diamond Dave
PAX: HBC, Keith Williams – Publix, Ashley Hightower – Doughboy, Bubbly, Ferdinand, Flamer, Beaker, Tooth Fairy, Lil Sweet FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Little Baby Arm Circles, forward, backward, overhead, Humpies, Imperial Storm Walkers, burpees
THE THANG: partner up and grab a coupon. 3 rounds of 4 exercises (curls, rows, overhead press, thrusters. One partner does the exercise for 1 min while the other planks then switch. Once you get through all for exercises you rinse and repeat 3 times. More burpees
MARY: nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mortimer, QSourse
COT: Failure, learn and grow from it.
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