DATE: 2023-01-14
AO: 300
Q: Goldberg
PAX: Banjo, ThinkTank, Creamsicle, Miss Kitty
FNGs: None
WARMUP: ssh, mtn climbers, humpies, arm circles
THE THANG: mosey to slope: 11s – squats at bottom, merkins at top- bear crawl up, Bernie down
mosey to tennis courts- 4 corners, 10 j-los in middle, 20 each – rbc, amer hammer, flutter kicks, toes to pole leg lifts
mosey to circle- Circle of Doom – spread out evenly. Each PAX performs exercise until timer reaches them, then becomes timer to next point. Turkish Getups, burpies, Bobby hurley, belly-back-feet. timer was murder bunny.
MARY: incorporated
COT: CS Lewis quote, prayers for Banjos dad, Miss Kitty, and Creamsicles daughter.
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