DATE: 2023-01-05
AO: Tower
Q: Biscuits (comz)
PAX: Aaron Slutsky – Arby’s, Sinkhole, Patti Mayo
FNGs: None
16 SHHs
8 Humpies
8 LACs
8 RACs
8 OHCs
8 ATTs

3 PAX grab a block, YHC grabs a tethered log. We do a series of Clipboard Dude rounds: one PAX calls an exercise and then leaves group with 🪵 in tow. While he’s away, all remaining PAX perform called exercise AMRAP.

We did a few rounds of block-based exercises, then box/step exercises, then ab/leg exercises.

COT: Excerpt from one of John Newton’s letters…

[Paul] has led me sometimes to consider wherein a Christian’s present blessedness consists: I mean that which is attainable in this state of trial, and the sense and exercise of which may be, and too often is, suspended and taken from us. It is a blessedness which, if we speak of man in a natural state, his eye has not seen, nor his ear heard so as to understand it, nor can the idea of it arise in his heart. It is no way dependent upon outward circumstances. Prosperity cannot impart it, preserve, or supply the lack of it; nor can adversity put it out of our reach. The wise cannot acquire it by dint of superior abilities; nor shall the simple miss it for lack of capacity.

The state of true believers, compared with that of others, is always blessed. If they are born from above, and united to Jesus, they are delivered from condemnation, and are heirs of eternal life, and may therefore well be accounted happy. But I consider now, not their harvest —but their first-fruits; not their portion in reversion—but the portion attainable in this life; not what they shall be in heaven—but what, in an humble attendance upon the Lord, they may be while upon earth.



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