DATE: 2023-01-03
AO: Mount
Q: Ashley Hightower – Doughboy
PAX: Biscuits (comz), HAS BEEN, Patti Mayo, Short Sale, Sinkhole FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Arm Circles, Overhead Claps, ATT’s
THE THANG: Wall Sits with Ali’s and Joe Fraziers. Next introduced the Gorilla Complex to the Pax at The Mount. We did 10 rounds instead of 8. Followed this up with EMOM burpees and core work. 1 burpees and remaining time do core work. Minute 2 do 2 burpees and core work for the remaining time. Did this for 7 minutes. MARY: See above during burpee EMOM.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Mount will be at The Tower on Thursday’s for January. Mortimer slated for March 24-25. Halloween Hobble on October 7-8.
COT: Life is short and we never know when we’ll take our last breath. Be present in the lives of your families.



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