DATE: 2022-11-10
AO: Hurler
Q: Matlock
PAX: Twig, Babyface, T-Faye, KLEENEX, ThinkTank, Banjo, Creamsicle, DeuceF3, Magic Legs FNGs: Sega, Joe Dirt, Poodle
WARMUP: standard affair except with a cryptic warning to focus on the humpies for leg day
THE THANG: mosey to the library. Begin 4 corners. first round had burpees, mountain climbers, big boy sit-ups, and merkins. 20 of each. lunge walk in between each corner. 2 laps of this. 2nd round was merkins, LBCs, dry docks, and heel touches. 25 of each. walking squats in between. Mosey back to AO. MARY: Motivators and Asheville abs lead by Babyface and Bango
COT: Make sure to be looking where you want to go. Don’t stare at a path that will not lead you where you want to go.
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