DATE: 2022-11-06
AO: Station
Q: Feeny
PAX: Centerfold, Misfire, Stovepipe, Pony, Thin Mint, Doghouse, APPleSauce, Rosie, Lynn Starnes-Delivery FNGs: None
WARMUP: The usual except for Burpees. Who does burpees for warmup
THE THANG: Mosey to Concordia to do 4 Corners AGAIN. Pony says it really sucked. Centerfold had the upper body and did planks, Burpees, stuff like that. Feeny has lower body and even though it was supposed to be reps of 20, somehow it came out to 40 or more of things like squats, bonnie Blairs, etc .. mosey back to the par
MARY: Some Box cutters, Freddie Mercury, and of course we have to Asheville And anytime Centerfold is leading. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thanksgiving Convergence, Q Source
COT: God told Noah to build an Ark and he did. He didn’t question. He just did it.



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