DATE: 2022-10-11
AO: Station
Q: Stovepipe
PAX: Pony, Jake Brake, jeff allen- o’douls, Doghouse, Whittle, Lynn Starnes-Delivery, APPleSauce, HayHay, Stovepipe, Gump Got Gumption, Thin Mint, Misfire FNGs: None
WARMUP: 🐐SSH, 15 GT Squats, 10 LBACs Forward and Backwards, 10 Michael Phelps, 100 Counterama Plank Merkins
THE THANG: 1st Half: Sprint to 10 yard line, perform 10 Merkins And 1 set of Bonnie Blair’s, sprint 90 yards to the End Zone . Recover and jog back to the 20 yard line. Perform 9 merkins and 2 Bonnie Blair’s sprint 80 yards. Recover and jog back to the 30 yard line…Repeat until all 90 yards is completed. Halftime: Rotating Merkin Wall squats. 2nd Half: Same has 1st half except performed 💎Merkins and 🐒 Humpers. Finished with Calf raises 🐐left, 🐐right, 🐐both calves. MARY: Ame🇺🇸🔨, Flutter Kicks, 👣Slappers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Halloween Hobble and Q Source
COT: Everybody’s Sore, Everybody’s Tired, Everybody has an excuse…Don’t Be Everybody!
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