DATE: 2022-10-03
AO: Steeple
Q: Biscuits (comz)
PAX: Aaron Slutsky – Arby’s, Patti Mayo
FNGs: Yogi
5:30, all pre-runners are MIA and all non-pre-runners apart from Q decided to fartsack this AM. Say F3 mission in head. Begin workout. 15 sad clown SSH’s in cadence
10 sad clown humpies in cadence
10 sad clown LAC’s in cadence
3 pre-running PAX arrive
10 LAC’s in cadence
10 RAC’s in cadence

Mosey to church courtyard.
Vicious Cycle – PAX run in circle (square) around courtyard, with one PAX running to center of courtyard to perform 10 reps before joining runners and next PAX runs to center. 3 rounds: 10 Merkins
10 Froggers
10 Jump Squats
We finish with 10 Burpees,
Mosey to large parking lot. In center, PAX perform Yul Brenner then choose from ~25 spokes. At the end of each spoke is a sheet of paper with a unique exercise listed: PAX do 20 reps of exercise, return to center, and repeat.

COT: Exodus 34:6 – “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.”



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