DATE: 2022-09-29
AO: Station
Q: Rosie
PAX: APPleSauce, Feeny, Gump Got Gumption, Good Hands, Centerfold, Chad Bolick-Diamond Dave, Lynn Starnes-Delivery, Medball (Nan’tan), Lipsync, HayHay, Jake Brake, Whittle FNGs: none
WARMUP: Michael phelps, lbac’s, raise the roof, ssh’s

THE THANG: short 🏃‍♂️ to the hill was followed by partner work:

Pax 1: hill run with 10 merkins at top, run back down

Pax 2: squats, bonnie blairs, star jumps, probably one more, can’t remember

Another short 🏃‍♂️to the stage where partner work continued.

Pax 1: run to exercise equipment 💪 and complete a 10 count – Pax choice

Pax 2: stepups, merkins, derkins, side plank with hip thrust, single leg squats, sit squat. 😓

(some may have incorporated the playground into the workout) 🚸

Final 🏃‍♂️ to pad

MARY: heels to heaven, boxcutters, circlemerk with 91 merkins to celebrate bday’s.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Halloween hobble, backpacking trip.

COT: Process Improvement: Our plan vs God’s purpose. God’s ultimate goal for our lives is to transform us into the image of Christ. Our plans may or may not be in alignment with this purpose. We need to evaluate our own process, determine what sin(s) holds us back from accomplishing this purpose, and establish a better process through humility and honesty. Finished in prayer.



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