QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  CrossStitch, Retread, Publix, Mud Duck, Pumpernickel, Ferdinand, Caboose, Jordache, Phlegm, Kapowski, CE
  Date:  10/12/21
  AO:  Howitzer


1 merkin/parking space to railroad track rocks

circle up: 20 curls on your own, drop your rock and rotate so another dude gets a taste of the rock you chose.  Change up 4 times.

Bring your rock across the street and leave it there.  

One lunge per parking space

Looky what we see here.  A lil sign that went like this:

A – 21 Burpees

B – 20 Squats

C – 90 second plank

D – 50 SSH

E – 20 Burpees

F – 20 WW2’s

G – 50 LBC’s

H – 25 WW2’s

I – 25 Diamond Merkins

J – 20 Arm Circles

K – 25 Hand Release Merkins

L – 25 Star Jumps

M – 20 Burpees

N – 120 second plank

O – 20 burpees

P  – 25 HR Merkins

Q – 2 second plank

R – 20 Star Jumps

S – 20 Burpees

T – 25 Russian Twists

U – 30 Dying Cockroaches

V – 20 LBC’s

W – 15 Lunges/Leg

X – 100 Merkins 

Y – 20 Jane Fondas

Z – 35 Burpees

One that end, you will spell your F3 Nickname and do the prescribed workout for each letter.  After one letter, run to the rock pile and do 25 curls.  Repeat until time runs out.

Wanted to share the WOD too.  I stole it from this video clip from this past weekend’s F310Year.  It’s our nantan, Slaughter and in my opinion the dude nails what F3 is about and I feel that it’s worth you reading and/0r listening.  We did both this am to let it soak in.  His speech starts around the 7:20 mark if you don’t want to watch Dredd naming a few dudes.  Here’s the text of his prayer:

We are voluntary participants in a massive organization.  We’re part of a power that we’ve created through the hand of God by others for a higher purpose.  The responsibility is huge. 

We come here of our own volition.  We have a responsibility to one another, to our families, to our communities, to be the absolute best men that we are capable of being.  We’re not capable of being the best men on our own.  That’s why we are here. 

We’re here to harness the power of this group so we can make a difference.  So that we can accelerate to the highest possible point that we are capable of.  We are to harness the power of the man next to us.  So we can be the best steward of these responsibilities that we were so graciously given.  So we can walk hand in hand with those in need. 

Heads held high, walk through this world as leaders.  Help others through their pain and suffering.  The miracle is that those people are in front of us everyday.  And as a group, we have unlimited opportunities to make this world a better place.  One person at a time. 

Thank you for the opportunity you put before us.  Thank you for the obstacles you put both in front of us and behind us.  There is nothing that we will be given that we can’t handle today.  Nothing that this group can’t handle together. 

All we ask are two things of you Lord: knowledge of your will for us, and the power to carry that out.  Please allow us to safely navigate through this world today & tomorrow.  Lead others through their pain and suffering.  So that we can come again tomorrow together in your name.  Amen. 

Slaughter nailed it and i love it.  reading that just makes me proud to be in this organization and I hope it does the same w/ you.    


  • several dudes anticipated that we would rotate rocks.  As a result, they selected some huge ones.  
  • apologies to Publix.  I didn’t think that we had anyone w/ an X in their name…..
  • figured we wouldn’t have a Q either, so at least I got that right
  • original workout was going to be your full name, middle included.  We didn’t have time for dat 
  • great mumblechatter this am.
  • Thankful for all of you



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