QIC:  Swinger
  PAX:  Twin
  Date:  07/09/21
  AO:  Infinity

sitting in my car writing on my Winky, it’s something I always wait until the last minute to do.  My workout was planned, but it just made more since to prove that by writing it out, you’ll understand why very Soon.  I didn’t want anyone to think that I was always choosing the worse option.  Because today the pax would decide the workout.  Unfortunately they wouldn’t know which was harder vs easier.  

Constantly looking out my window spooked by every car passing, fully expecting twin to scare me, (sorry twin, you’ve done it before) I finally spot you crossing the street, getting that  500meter Pre run (sounds awesome right? It did to me, well sounded better than .3ish miles, plus I just wasted the time to google it so I had to commit) 

i hop out, grab the sissy hands, realize you left yours at home, so I tossed mine away also.  Only fair right? 

several pax are on vacation, 2 are recovering from running from bears (mad props to spokes and Bismarck!) it’s 5:15, we agree nobody else is coming. Let’s begin…

Warm-up: Little Arm Circles (10forward, 10reverse, 10chinooks) 20SSH, 15Humpies 

Leaving the parking lot I say Hey Twin A or B 
He replies A, I disapprove, twin laughs, but little loop it is and we begin our mosey.  

We begin discussing our love and concern for you missing PAX, had to be there I guess, we approach the intersection of the figure 8 and I again offer A or B & twin chooses 

A 15 burpees  (B was 15 merkins) 

then we mosey the small loop back to AO 

A 5 burpees  (B was 20 LBC) 

Cross speed hump 1 of Pennell Powell stopping at the bridge before the next Pennell Powell speed hump to perform 

B 5 merkins (A was 10 burpees) 

then I ask A or B twin chose A and I really groaned over this one and twin quickly yells B I chose B, well it was too late and A was Hill route to the library.  

At the bottom of the hill we break for another

B 15 WW2 (A was 15 burpees) 

proceed up to the library and then onto Seahorn. Stopping at Pennel Powell (which by the way, I can’t for the life of me figure out a way to remember which street is which so they have and will forever be called as such) 

Let’s do

A 5 Burpees (B was 20 merkins) 

mosey down to speed hump i decide to go left and I could tell twin was not a fan, he must have thought I was taking us to the soccer fields, but instead we head past the pull-up bars and into the church and greenway parking lot #2. Where we completed 

A 20 WW2 (B was 10 WW2) 

Then mosey on greenway around corn fields heading back toward AO, Spotted goodwill and his M setting up for a yard sale! I wonder if he doesn’t sell it, does he give it to… himself? 🤔 (goodwill joke, I’m here all day folks, like grace #dadjokes) 

approaching a busy pennel powell speed hump I decide let’s knock out another one, twin chooses 

D for Done (well I chose the 4th option down my list which was B 5 Merkins) skipping over 5 WW2, 15 Carolina dry docks, and 15WW2 so you’re welcome. 

Then twin saw he had 3 miles and really expressed his done(ness) but I needed another 100 meters so I lapped the AO lot

and for one last work out we ended with

A 15 WW2 (B was 5 merkins).

 I hear twin burned 592 calories! That’s awesome! I got 501!!! Thank God for that extra 100 meters! Twin did Pre and post run though, so there’s that. 


twin got to make a lot of  decisions today, much like in life. I shared an epiphany from a previous Bible study that goes like this…

 We are all one bad decision away from ______ ( fill in the blank:  joblessness, bankruptcy, divorce, homelessness, prison, death) pretty harsh outcomes and yet one simple decision wrong on any level can escalate into something so terrible in our lives.  And then where do we turn? Do we dive deeper into the wrong or turn to God.  We’ve all witnessed when a person goes further in the wrong, maybe they feel they’re not deserving of forgiveness of love of grace, fortune for us all, we are forgiven, loved, and Gods grace is sufficient for the day, morning noon and night, not just once a day or once a week.  He said “my grace is sufficient for you” and Hebrews 4:16 to “approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” 

Twin thank you for posting, had an awesome run with you!  We shared our hearts on some big matters, like marriage and the work involved to keep it on track.  And about you HIM whom we really care for! 

ended praying for you HIM and your families! 

swinger out

oh yeah, “Irish God”, had to be there I guess 😳🤣 thanks twin 




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