QIC:  Pumpernickel
  PAX:  Owie, Tooth Fairy, Phlegm, Publix, Retread
  Date:  05/13/21
  AO:  Expresso

Weather: Perfect for a Fat B@$t@Rd like myself.

Warm-up:  ATT IC, Humpys IC, Squats OYO, Merkins OYO, Big BOIIII OYO

Thang: We did a “Station mosey”(walked) to the block pile. Phlegm then makes the comment that it’s hard for the Q to pick up the 6 if he is the 6.  Valid point sir.  Raffle Carried our said blocks to the tunnel of love.  Take a seat, Wonderbra IC, Muhammed Ali IC, Joe Frazier IC.  Publix notices a speaker and deck of cards, he knows what’s coming(TWSS).  Wanted to do balls to the wall but didn’t want to risk a mudslide going down my back.  Anybody ever taken a shizzz upside down?  What’s that like?

Carry blocks over to the courtyard.  ACDC for the jams(thanks Publix).  Phlegms favorite deck of cards. Hearts-burpees, spades- squats, clubs – big boiiis, diamonds-merkins.  Raffle Carry blocks back and slow mosey back for COT.

WOD: Matthew 14:22-29.

                   Jesus just finished feeding the 5000.  He sent his disciples out into the sea. A big storm comes, they get scared.  Jesus begins walking towards them on the water.  Jesus ask Peter to get out of the boat and walked towards him.  Peter began walking towards Jesus…..

The boat symbolizes comfort… it’s our safe place, it’s where we feel the most comfortable.  Get out of the boat symbolizes something that brings growth or makes you rely on something bigger than yourself.  What’s your boat? 

Extra:  First time in a long time that I haven’t had to go drop a 2 at expresso.

Also, shuffle a new deck of cards…burpee after burpee after burpee gets old quick. Phlegm called BS, but he was wrong.  Imagine that doesn’t happen often.

Speaking of burpees, I modified mine bc of my (y) foot, but I wanted to make sure they got a good workout in.

I was going to use the blocks, but obviously, we never got that far.

Owie, is a man of few words, but glad he doesn’t just post on Wednesdays.


Update:  Pump is still fat(ter), still can’t run, and is still in a boot for 3 more weeks.  The doctor told me to add calcium to my diet, I chugged milk this morning and it has given me the shits all day.  Think I am lactose.  I miss being out there, walking in a boot sucks.  As much as I started to enjoy running, I didn’t realize how much I needed to run.  Kinda like F3 as much as I enjoyed it, I never knew how much I needed it.  It is a special bond, it is life-changing.  It has changed mine.  Whether the workouts are easy as mine or as hard as Beldings, it’s more than a workout.  Thankful for you men, thankful for your friendships, and can’t wait to be out there soon to get back after it.  In the meantime, somebody give Cuz some $h!t will ya, he deserves every bit of it, (y).  

Pump out.





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