QIC:  Powder
  PAX:  Skaggs, Kapo, Cuz Eddie, Pumpernickel, Squints, Caboose, Cheese Wiz, TF, Retread, Owie
  Date:  04/15/21
  AO:  Expresso

Another beautiful morning and like most mornings when I have the Q I woke up too early(3:45am). I blame this on Cuz, he somehow has transferred this to me. Although I woke up early when my alarm went off to prerun I hit snooze and waited for the 2nd alarm for Expresso. 

Warm up-

Humpies, Windmills, Arm Circles, Smurf Jacks (All IC X 10). Then we wanted to engage our core and with some Asheville Abs (IC X 6… YHC may have messed up on the counting which became a theme for the rest of the morning), Jane Fondas and Freddy Mercurys 

Mosey around St Lukes and end up back in the courtyard

The Thang-

(ALL IC) Incline Merkin x 10, Stepups X20, Tricep Dips X10, Lunges w/ back foot on bench X10/leg, Decline Merkins X10

Engage the Core again… this time I flew right past 6 and started to 10 but then somehow stopped in the middle of Asheville Abs. 

Rise and Repeat Exercises

Mosey to Block Pile and have every PAX grab a block.

Curls for the Girls X 20 mosey to end of parking lot Lunge Walk back to the OAK Tree. This is when the mumble chatter really went from a 7 to 10 because the PAX asked how I know it was an Oak tree and then we went down a rabbit hole about tree names. 

Overhead Press X20 mosey to end and Crawl Bear to the Oak. 

Bench Press X20 mosey to end and Inch Worm to the Oak. This was a crowd pleaser. 

Mosey to Tunnel of Love for People’s Chair w/ Wonder Bra IC X20. Balls to the Wall (mumble chatter back to 10, partly because Cuz did not do these). 

Mosey back to Blocks and do one more set of block work without the mosey to the end of the parking lot due to time. And of course to finish out we engaged our Core again but this time the Counting was PERFECT! 


WOD: Feeling like the rug is pulled out from you can hurt but knowing that the Lord has a plan for you is always something we can lean on. Talked about my devotion in Exodus and the Israelites and how they must have felt.



-Pump and Cuz don’t need to be able to be beside each other during workouts. There is no way they did all the reps, Cuz constantly tried to get my counting off and Pump had the back of his shorts down every time we did Jane Fondas to show Cuz. 

-TF did not have his glasses but said it was ok because we looked better a little fuzzy. This made Squints laugh out loud

-Caboose preran (shocking I know) and Owie is just killing it and also preran

-Skaggs likes to call it Curls for the Ladies instead of girls

-Expresso was a great way to start my day and the PAX of Expresso are the number 1 reason




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