PAX:  Doughboy, Publix, Kapowski, Short Sale, Twig, Retread, Cousin Eddie, Pumpernickel, FNG Madonna, HBC
  Date:  4/5/2021
  AO:  ER

Perfect temps for working out at ER this am. As YHC arrived to Q he noticed a guy dressed in a hoodie getting out of his car and walking to the corner. Who dat?  Later did he realize that is was Hiro (After saying “good morning” the Q for some reason heard this as Heizenburg) and didn’t realize that he was an FNG.  

Warm up:

SSH X 20

ATT X 15

Big Arm Circles X 10

The Thang:

One lap of the ER with a slight modification. At each stop BLIMP it out:

Burpees X 20

Lunges X 20 L&R

IST X 20

‘Mercans X 20

Plank Jacks X 20

Mosey to the corner of 4th Ave NW/2nd St NW to pay some bills:

3 hills, 4 stops, 4 exercises

Hill 1

Burpees X 5

WAM X 10

Star Jumps X 20

Squats X 30

Mosey back to the bottom

Hill 2 (somewhere in here YHC realized that Hiro was an FNG and so provided an impromtu “Disclaimer”. Hey, like Dredd says, “When falling, dive!”)

Burpees X 5

‘Mercans X 10

Side Lunges X 20

Mountain Climbers X 30

Mosey back to the bottom

Hill 3

Burpees X 5

American Hammers X 10

Peter Parkers X 20

LBC X 30

Mosey back to the bottom and wait on the Six

Mosey back to ER start

Bear Crawl Snake then a little Mary

Freddie Mercurys X 30

Rosalita X 30

Jimi Hendrix X 30 


Good stuff at ER this am. Welcome to FNG Madonna.  We’re glad you were there! 

YHC shared from Psalm 73:26 – My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.



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