QIC:  Plank
  PAX:  Clifford BRD, The Dude, Pedro Martini, Plank
  Date:  03/06.2021
  AO:  Copperhead Creek

Conditions were perfect, low 30’s around 0700, 4 Pax in attendance….lets boogie..

YHC made a call to BRD the day before ( he has all of the extra credit Blocks and Tires) so we decided that they would be needed since I had an idea of something new to try on these studs.  You know, come to think of it, Tville pound for pound are some pretty inventive dudes…they really get creative in their workouts and mix things up a bit.  This was a great opportunity to try something new…

warm ups….good mornings, humpys, ssh, att, IST and hillbillies…nuff said

each man grab a coupon and head down the the field behind the volleyball court.

partner up for   187 Bunny Relay…..   welcome to F3 you new incredibly stupid exercise…

The Thang

partner up, 1 coupon for each group

Partner 1   5 Merkins on Block, 5 Bench Press with Block, then Murder Bunny toward the other side of the field (approx 100 yards)

Partner 2   Run length of field, then past Partner 1 to original start line, then back to partner 1 for a tag and flip flop

complete until end of length of field….end of round 1

round 2  partner 1 10 Overhead Press, 10 Curles for Girls, partner 2 run

round 3  partner 1 Block Squat / Bent over Rows, partner 2 run

round 4  partner 1 LBC with Block / Skull Crushers, partner 2 run

Next we all took individual blocks to the hill for a Jacobs Ladder, 10 Block Merkins, rifle carry, 1 Squat with Block, rifle carry block


Truly a wonderful horrible time with the 187 Bunny Relay. caused an extreme amount of mumblechatter , several cuss words and thoughts of quitting but these men powered through as normal.  It don’t matter the circumstances, dish it out and they keep going.

All in all, this ranked in the Suck category, cant wait to try it out on another AO in Bethlehem very soon…


BRD, what can i say, he is not a ballerina by any chance, but dude is tough.  Him and The Dude are some pretty good Murder Bunnies (note not playboy bunnies)

The Dude threatened YHC bodily harm, but made up for it with a ride in his racecar….340 hp Mitsubishi Eclipse that spins the tires in 3rd gear…felt great to ride in

Pedro Martini was my partner always prepared to add a new level of mumblechatter.  He did say when we got to the hill for the Jocobs Ladder,,,what the hell are we doing here…

i can honestly say i have never completed a Murder Bunny until today.  For good measure i had BRD give us an example of what 1 looks like, i didn’t want to tell him that i didn’t know.  Definitely gave this guy a workout, i don’t know about the other guys but i was seriously sucking wind.

Always great working out with the men of Tville.  Cant wait for them to get their midweek going in Downtown…We all are going to learn a thing or two.

WOD   I have been doing a study in evangelism and our role as followers of Christ.  Jesus was inclusive in his offer of salvation.. Whosoever, means anyone.  We are all called to take action to follow Jesus.  Make a decision and don’t miss this opportunity.

Also side not, we had 4 for coffeteria after the workout at Bojangles…Only in Tville will you see a manure spreader go through the drive through…ALX where the chicken is king…

Twas Fun Men,

Plank Out 




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