QIC:  Biscuits
  PAX:  Patti Mayo, Reading 🌈, Sink Hole
  Date:  02/11/21
  AO:  The Tower

YHC made a plan last night that included use of certain publicly-available exercise equipment, but this morning proved too wet to safely engage said equipment. No Pull-up Burpees today. Improv time!

Three PAX ready for the warm-up, so in cadence we do

  1. 20 Side-straddle Hops
  2. 10 Humpies
  3. 10 LAC’s
  4. 10 RAC’s
  5. 10 Monkey Humpers

ACT 1: Blockwork

We mosey to the block pile for our first act. Patti Mayo arrives, bringing our show up to 4. Taking turns, each PAX calls a block exercise and then runs around the Key Hole and back, while the remaining PAX do AMRAP until the caller returns. Each PAX gets two calls in, and then we put up the blocks.

ACT 2: Wallwork

We mosey to the Key Hole. Same format, but this time PAX call a wall exercise and then bear crawl around the Key Hole to their starting position. Each PAX takes two turns and we’re on to the next act…

ACT 3: Abwork

We mosey across the street. Now PAX call an ab exercise and lunge walk 10 parking spaces and back. Two turns for each caller again.

ACT 4: Legwork

Moseying to the center of the parking lot, PAX start on one side and call a leg exercise and crab walk to the other side and back. After the first 4 calls, YHC swapped the crab walk with crawl bears for the last 4. It’s nearly 6:15 now, so we mosey back to the flag.

FINAL ACT: 20 Burpees.

We count-o-rama, name-o-rama, and YHC shares Romans 1:16-17

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”

YHC notes that the rest of the passage talks about God’s wrath, and it’s Him just giving us up to what we want to do, and what we want to do is ultimately self-destruction. On the other hand, His plan, His Good News, isn’t really about what we do at all; it’s about what He has done for us.

YHC prays us out.


(Featured image from TEDxHickory: https://www.tedxhickory.com/tedxhickory-2019-morganton-improv/)



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