QIC:  Stonewall
  PAX:  Humpy, Stonewall, Sasquatch, Captain Brady, Creeper, Markup, Taz, Plank, Cousin Eddie
  Date:  01/07/21
  AO:  Star

Weather:  Chilly

No need to do a play-by-play breakdown of the workout.  We did a spoke.  We did lots of LBCs.  Tricep dips.  Something called HBC’s…..or something.  Dudes farted.  Dudes rang out with some That’s What She Saids.  Dudes laughed.  You get the point, we did work like everyone else did at their respective AO.  It was very F3. 

It had a very 2014  feel about it too.  All but 3 of these men have been around the proverbial block a few times too.  In fact, other than Creeper, Brady, and Squatch Your Boy here was the rookie of the bunch.  2 Redwood Originals in Taz & Markup.  Hump, Plank, and Stony were all around when I started in October ’14.  If nothing else happened that was worth a (poo), just the experience of posting with these gents was pretty cool in itself.  The only thing that could have made it perfect was if Humpy had led us out in a prayer.  If prayering was an olympic sport, he’d be the Carl Lewis of Praying.  Sidenote:  although he’s still wet behind his ears, my brother Pumpernickle can spit out a prayer too….so I guess that makes him the Edwin Moses of Praying.  

Mumblechatter was excellent.  Topics ranged from chicken wing bones to echoing farts.  The best however was when Stony explained the difference between being On Plank and being In Plank.  

I may not be 100% accurate when I say this but Stonewall likely hasn’t Q’d in a long time.  That dude runs his tail off almost every day all over the ALX, but when it comes to a bootcamp, he’s usually harder to find than toilet paper was last spring.  But someone told him that it was his turn to Q.  And – after pre-running – he stepped up and led us dudes.  I’m basing this all on speculation, but I don’t know if he was super excited about it.  But did that matter?  Nope.  He strapped on his boots and got after it.  He’d give me some type of Awe Shucks reply if I told him this to his face, but I’m proud of him doing that.  And that’s what makes F3 so dang cool.  We all accept the responsibility to not only hold each other accountable to show up each morning and workout, but we also take turns in leading each other during the workout.  You will not find that type of system anywhere.    

F3 turned 10 this month and we’re turning 7 in 2 months.  As previously mentioned, most of these dudes that posted this am have been with us for almost the entire time.  I owe a debt of gratitude for them & you do too.  You know the best way to pay that debt back?  Give it away.  Bring a dude to a workout.         


  • Everytime I post somewhere outside of a Hickory AO, I’m reminded at how awesome these dudes are all across our region.  It is one of my favorite things to do.  Time doesn’t always permit a trek across our giant region, but it’s really a treat.  Thanks for hosting me Dudes of ALX.  
  • You really should hear a Humpy WOD/Prayer before you die.  He really does know how to spin the prayer turntables.  I guess that makes him the Afrikka Bambatta of prayers.
    • I just had a visual of Humpy with headphones over one ear, with a flat bill hat, scratching some 45’s while his body rocks to the beats.  
  • Markup’s SSHops were oddly similar to Tattooed Swansons.  Full body range of motion.
  • Stony made sport of me for my Alt. Toe Touches and even mocked my style.  That was funny.  
  • Taz has very contagious laughter.  I like it. 
  • Last night, I HC’d to pre-ruck with Plank & Creeper yet I didn’t set my alarm to do so.  This makes getting up at 4:30 difficult, sorry fellas. 
  • Creep is like a fish in water out there in the ALX.  Pretty cool to see that too. 
  • Not that it’s hard to do though.  There are good peoples out there.  
  • Yes, Star was started in 2015.  But this is arguably just the 2nd BB in existence out there. 
  • if farting were an Olympic sport, I’d be the Michael Phelps of it.  Pump is that French dude that Phelps smoked after the Frenchy got caught looking in his rearview mirror for Phelps.         



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