QIC:  Powder
  PAX:  Twig, Cross Stitch, Kaposkwi, Short Sale, Retread, Burns, Fuse, Target
  Date:  12/21/20
  AO:  ER
After getting two texts from Master Qs yesterday saying “You good for your Q tomorrow?” I started trying to figure out which Q I was going to take (ER or EW???) Since I had just stepped in on the Q last week at EW I figured I would try and find a sub there and head to the concrete beast. I sometimes have a hard time getting up on Monday morning but every time I do I realize it is a great way to start my week and always a good place to Q. 

Warm up-

All X10 IC (Humpies, Little Arm Circles, Windmills, Smurf Jacks, ATT)
The Thang-
Mosey around the block to the hill behind the concrete monster. I told the PAX that when I Q ER I always love to go to this hill. 2 sets of ladders on the hill:
1) 1 Merkin run backwards up the hill and 9 Squats at the top, 2 merkins run backwards up the hill and 8 Squats at the top…. etc etc
2) 1 Hand release merkin run backwards up the hill and 9 Star Jumps, 2 hand release run backwards up the hill and 8 Star Jumps, etc etc
Mosey to the entrance of the parking deck. At each level of the parking deck do 20 OYO 
(Level 1- LBCs, Level 2- Freddy Mercury, Level 3- RBCs, Level 4- Roselettas)
At the top of the parking deck we split up into two teams to do a small relay race. We did 2 rounds. 1st round each member had to run down 2 flights of stairs while the rest of the team had to do AMRAP of Lunges. Runner 1 tag runner 2 and so on till everyone ran. Round two was 5 mins of Mary (PAX choice) AMRAP  while everyone did another 2 flights of stairs. 
Mosey back to the flag
As bad a 2020 has stunk, be happy for family and the time together. Talked about a friend losing his dad last week to a heart attack and how it was the same heart attack my dad had in February. This really put some things into perspective this past week. 
-It was good seeing Burns from Winston. He likes to come see the HKY boys when he is in town seeing his in-laws. We might be seeing a lot of him over the next two weeks. 
-Got a high from Twig when passing each other in the relay…. he almost took off my hand
-Funny that Retread busted on Kapo for being late to the Warmup when he was also late but beat Kapo there by 30 seconds.
-Fuse’s wife has unpacked their entire kitchen while he is doing a renovation to it, pretty funny! 
-Short Sale’s bandanna game is strong
-I had too many layers on…. shocking I know 



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