QIC:  Biscuits
  PAX:  Doc McStuffins, Dragonfly, Flex Seal, Has Been, Short Sale, Swanson
  Date:  11/24/20
  AO:  The Mount

A few workouts ago, YHC tried running a workout with 28 reps of 28 exercises on the 28th of the month. We did not finish in time, so YHC decided 24 reps of 24 exercises on the 24th of the month was worth ago. Here’s what we did…

Warm-up (in cadence):

(1) Side-Straddle Hops

(2) Windmills

(3) ATT’s

(4) Storm Troopers

Mosey to the blocks; each PAX grabs one and we (in cadence):

(5) Skull Crushers

(6) Overhead Press

(7) Curls (dropped to slow-count after 6)

(8) Bent-over Rows

Put the blocks away and mosey to the cul-de-sac for:

(9) Big Boy Sit-ups

Commence to our favorite Trinity Ridge parking lot for an across and back:

(10, 11) Lunge Walk, with four stops of 6 Merkins at each.

(12, 13) Bear Crawl, with four stops of 6 Jump Squats at each.

Then we were off to the retaining wall for Merkins in cadence:

(14) Incline Merkins (dropped to slow-count after 6)

(15) Decline Merkins (didn’t here)

Then a short mosey across the road to Dominoes, but not for pepperoni pizza:

(16) Peter Parkers

Then a long wait to cross 321 without losing a game of frogger. YHC was a little impatient and made an early dash. The rest of the PAX played a bit wiser and came across all at once in a better clearing. Up the side walk to the Lowe’s parking lot (which also had quite a bit of traffic for pre-6-o’clock). Here we did another across and back, but this time the traversal exercise was only between two middle stops instead of the full parking lot sweep. Also, a few folks were sitting in cars around the lot, so we had a nice audience – no cheering, but that’s probably just because we couldn’t hear it with their windows up.

(17, 18) Crab Walk, with four stops of 6 RBC’s at each

(19, 20) Crawl Bear, with four stops of 6 Squats at each

Then we moseyed across another road for:

(21) Wide-arm Merkins

And finally back across 321 to the retaining wall for:

(22) Triceps Dips in cadence (dropped to slow-count after 6)

(23) Step-ups OYO

We moseyed toward the flag, but YHC noticed we were coming in early, so we made 4 stops along the way for a 6-count of:

(24) Burpees

At the flag, we still had 5 minutes to go. May need to try 25×25 or 26×26 next time to time this workout correctly. Added two bonus rounds of X’s and O’s and a final 24 count of LBC’s OYO bringing us to time.

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama: 7 PAX

WOD: YHC shared from Psalm 103, how David was addressing himself (not God), reminding himself to praise and thank the Lord for all that He’s done and Who He is:

Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and all that is within me,
bless his holy name!
Bless theΒ Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits…

COT: YHC prayed us out; SYITG!



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