QIC:  Ferdinand
  PAX:  Cousin Eddie, Kapo, Powder, Publix, Bing, creeper, Cross Stitch, Sheamus, Burns, Swanson
  Date:  10/06/2020
  AO:  Howitzer

Weather- A brisk 51 Degrees. Powder was Freezing but everybody else felt great.


WU-  Hillbillies, Windmill, SSH


The Thang:

Mosey to the rocks beside the Samurai. Word has it he hangs out with Pump on the weekends.

20 OYO of the following- OHP, rock merkins, curls for the girls, bench press, American Hammers, 5 Man makers.

Mosey to CBC- 4 Corners -10 Diamond merkins, 10 squat jumps, 10 hand release merkins, 10 gas pumps

same route, 2 stops- 20 merkins, 20 squats. plank for the 6.

Mosey to the stairway to the…. railroad track. Poor planning on the city’s part, right? 

every step, every other step, bunny hop, lateral steps, fast as you can. mosey to the block pile at FBC.


By this point the PAX see what the meat of the workout is and remember that I tend to be top heavy in YHC’s workouts. in ode to IPC and my favorite: week 2, each person grabbed a block. There are some Squint’s special with some split blocks for some that might want to modify. there was three stations with a home base. Each time you’re at home base you do 5 Squat Thrusters. Rifle carry to/from each station. Stations are as follows: 25 OHP, 25 Decline merkins, 25 Alpos. after one round, run the FBC Portico and rinse and repeat. 

Curls for the girls for the 6 after the second round.


WOD- Taken from HBC’s at ER. Jesus was a carpenter. He followed after Joseph. The three rules that carpenters must follow:

  1. Measure twice, cut once
  2. Use the right tools for each job
  3. take care of your tools.


I interpreted this figuratively as we all have tools that we use and utilize every day. Whether it is a skilled trade, communication, Leadership, Sales, etc. We must be intentional on improving our tool each and every day and be intentional on utilizing our tool to help better those around us. Being intentional with using your tool/ tools and realizing what that might be can be the biggest hurdle to jump.


(TWSS on using your tool)



  • I was the butt of the joke with my speech impediment, or the Burke County twang that came out when I called “Rifle Carry”. I need to remember: Annunciate! You do not live in Drexel anymore! 
  • Welcome FNG Creeper! You almost got away with the name: Cock Daddy. That would had been too nice. 
  • Nobody likes Iron Pax Challenge and it is  in poor taste to try to repeat after September. 
  • We are missing some of our Core Hickory Pax. Can we MBGA(Make bootcamps great again?)
  • There has been talk about a longer pre-run in Hickory. Not trying to copy Conover but… imitation is a form of flattery. 
  • This weather is optimal for F3. Can it stay October forever?
  • Week 2 of Iron Pax Challenge was the best one yet. Prove me wrong.

Always a pleasure, 

Ferdinand out!




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