QIC:  Katniss

Weather: Ugh!

Warmup: Humpy’s, Windmills, ATT, Little Arm Circles, Reverse Arm Circles, Overhead Clap, SSH

On Monday Cousin Eddie guest Q’ed at the Tower and he brought out a little bit of the Iron Pax workout for us. I thought about focusing our whole workout on that but then remembered that I really didn’t enjoy the Iron Pax Workouts that much. So, after the warmup on the way to the workout location we stopped in the middle parking lot and did a little Iron PAX influenced warm up – Broad Jump 4 spaces and 15 squats, broad jump 4 more and 10 merkins, broad jump 4 more and do 5 burpees and then plank for the 6.

The Workout: Without the Mount there would be no Tower, so I decided to pay homage to both

Location 1:

M- Merkins w/block

O – Overhead press

U – Upright Row

N – Nose Curls

T – Triceps Dips

Location 2:

T- Thighmaster

O – Outlaws

W – WW2 situps

E – Elbow to Knee Plank

R – RBC’s

Round 1 – 30 reps

Round 2- 20 reps

Round 3- 10 reps

We all circled up after grabbing our blocks and YHC explained how it would work. For round 1 we would do 30 reps of M=merkins then run to location 2 and do 30 reps of thighmasters. Run back to location 1and do 30 reps of overhead press then run to location 2 and do 30 reps of Outlaws. And so on and so forth… There was some really good mumblechatter but at the end of the workout it was mentioned that we had a couple of studs that did 30 reps for each round. Not sure if my explanation was sub-par(most likely) or said PAX had something to prove.

After all 3 rounds we ran Indian style back to the flag for name-a-rama and COT

WOD: Galatians 6:2-Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the Law of Christ

Humbled to be a part of this great group of men!



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