QIC:  Cousin Eddie

By now, if you’ve read one of my ER backblasts, you already know that this AO has a special place in my heart.  I won’t go into the why, how, or when on this one.  Do me a favor and just don’t tell my M about my love of dirty, skanky, parking lots ok?

Fuse on the Q Schedule.  He gone.  SP was asked to substitute.  He out.  Being the good AO Q that he is, Phlegm searches for sub.  Cousin Eddie sees Q request on slack.  Instead of instantly agreeing to step up, CE waits for an hour.  No replies yet.  I’ll take that Q.

Weather:  Perfection.


Warmup.  Mostly standard.  Did throw Flex Seal for a loop and asked him to call his favorite warmup.  Which was butt kickers.

Mosey to the closest stairwell for Stairwell of Merkins.  SoM = 1 merkin per stair to the top.  Plank for the 6.  Mosey to the other stairwell for Stairwell of Squats.  SoS = 1 squat per stair to the bottom.  Plank for the 6.  Mosey to bottom of Hospital Hill and partner up.

Next:  P1 planks.  P2 does Hop over P1 burpees.  5 each, then run up HH for 10 Hand Release Merkins.  Back down HH and repeat.

Since we were essentially at the 1st stop of old school ER, we might as well do a lap of OSER.  Fast guys were given a choice when they completed the lap:  burpees until the 6 arrives or go back and finish the lap w/ the Six.  Fast guys chose to pick up the six.  Good choice if you ask me.

Partner back up.  Partners run in opposite directions, up one flight of stairs.  When you meet, give me 5 Partner Derkins.  Continue running in the opposite direction.  When you meet up again, 5 more PD.  Plank for the 6.

Repeat, but go to the top of the stairs this time.  Plank for the 6.

2 minutes left.  Head to the shovel flag.  Or where the SF normally is.  Plank until it’s 6:15.

WOD:  Esse Quam Videri.  To be Rather Than to Seem.  James 1:22 – But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.


Swanson continues his impressive streak of posting nearly every day since his 4 year hiatus.  Crazy.

Swanson has more tattoos that the rest of us combined.

T Claps to Keebler.  Dude’s first day of his Junior year is today.  Does he sleep in and belly ache about summer being over?  Nope.  Dude posts with his dad and bunch of ugly middle aged fellas.  Color me impressed.  That’s just awesome.

Love seeing Twig and Target coming across the creek to visit us.

Cheese Whiz was early.  Let me repeat so this sinks in:  Cheese Whiz was early.  Early for CW is 5:28, but it’s still early.

An under the weather Sheamus posted.  Note:  an under the weather Sheamus posting is still always better than a fartsack from a healthy _______________.  Fill in the black with literally any pax.

Publix was my partner for this workout.  If you’re curious as to how much his legs weigh….100 lbs each.  Good lord son, can I send you my chiro bill?

Skaggs did a one block pre run.  Pretty sure he was just showing off his quickness.  Or he just randomly parked one block away despite the fact that a parking spot was available that was roughly 10 feet from the shovel flag.  Or where the SF normally is located.

Lots of traffic out this am.  Be careful out there.

If you fartsacked,  you were missed.  If I call you out and shame you for doing so, don’t forget that it’s a shame done purely by my love for you and my desire for you to get better.  This F3 thing works fellas.  Keep posting.  Keep sharing.  Keep giving it away.  Keep doing stuff to make you better.  A better man.  A better father.  A better husband.


CE out.




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