QIC:  Powder

11 men showed up this morning to try and get a good workout in before it got too hot. The problem was that it was already 70 degrees at 5:30 this morning. As I sat down Sunday night and started to contemplate what I was going to do for my Q the following morning I also started to think more and more about the Vertical Mile Challenge in 3 weeks & The BEAR next month. I realized that both take a good amount of training, which I have not done but both have got me wanting to do them. Then I remembered that someone once told me stairs repeats are a great way to train. So….. here we go


Warmup: (all IC X15)- IST, Little Arm Circles, ATT, Smurf Jacks, Humpies

One Lap of Old ER….. wait here comes a giant elbow no that is Jordache running up the hill. That makes 12 PAX, perfect for partner work outs.

The Thang:

Stop at the bottom of stairwell #2 and start a mosey to the newest block pile in Fryes lower parking lot. These blocks have been here awhile. I am pretty sure another PAX “barrowed” them from Howitzer and said he would return them but that has yet to happen. Each pair of partners grab a block and head back to stairwell #2

Partner 1 will run the stairs to the top level and do 10 LBCs while P2 does an AMRAP exercise with a block.

Exercises- Curls for the girls (flap jack), Bench Press (Flap Jack)

Exercises- Wall sits to catch our breath with Overhead Press IC X15

Kettle Bell Swings (Flap Jack), Goblet Squats (Flap Jack)

Time for some Mary. Freddie Mercury X15 IC, Rosilettas X15 IC, 6″

Last round- Overhead Press (Flap Jack), Block Burpees (Flap Jack)


Return the blocks and head back to the flag


WOD: 1 Corinthians 1: 2-3



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