12 strong posted this am at Expresso for a Thursday morning beatdown courtesy of yours truly. We welcomed Swirly from F3 Raleigh (Come back anytime Brother) and Moana back for his second workout.

The Thang:
Warm up IC
Seal Jacks X 20
Peter Parkers X 20
Hillibillies X 20 CW
Parker Peters X 20
Lunge Walk X 20 CCW

Mosey south on 2nd St. NW, past Fourk to the corner of Snuggles and Hugs for Metro Relay
Teams of 3. Man A stays in position and does alternating 5 sec planks/merkins while men B and C run up the hill. Once B and C reach the top, man B runs back down and tags up with Man A. Meanwhile man C does 10 X Squat Jumps and 10 X Mountain Climbers. Man A runs to top of hill and repeats exercises as mentioned and the mayhem continues until all teams have completed 30 laps (each trip up or down the hill is a lap).

Mosey back Viewmont School for Tabata (30 sec on, 20 sec rest)
Mogul Jumps
High Knees
Donkey Kicks (L)
Donkey Kicks (R)

Indian run once around the track and back to SLUMC for Mary
Flutter Kicks X 20
Rosalitas x 20
Side Crunch X 20 (L & R)
V-ups X 20
Supermans X 20 (L & R)


“You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that’” – James 4

Relatively speaking, we are here for a short time on earth. The Bible reminds us that although we may not know the future, God does. In fact, He has declared “the end from the beginning” (Isaiah 46:10). Today, as you look into the future, don’t allow your life to be dominated with fear or worry. Instead, place your trust in God. Have faith in Him. You can depend on Him!

Always an honor to lead



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