QIC:  Flamer

Glad I traded with Cousin Eddie because apparently he Qed himself yesterday at SolOG!

8 pax fought the fartsack and posted this morning at Expresso.

pretty quite group this morning not much mummble chatter….of course we kept it moving this morning. Ā Hereā€™s how it went.

Warmup: SSH, Humpys, High Knees

mosey to St Lukeā€™s courtyard for Pull ups, Incline Merkins, Tricep dips, decline merkins

mosey to block pile and partner up for:

100 Overhead Press while partner does 1 burpee per parking space and run back

150 Bent over rows while partner does 2 star jumps per parking space and run back

200 Curls while partner does 2 merkins per parking space and run back

250 Bench Press while partner does 5 squats per parking space and run back

mosey to Flamer tunnel of love for peoples chair, Muhammad Aliā€™s and Joe Frazierā€™s (apparently I got these two mixed up) and OP

mosey to Corinth OG 150 Anniversary set up in the middle of the field…just cause

mosey back to blocks for one more 100 kettle bell while partner does broad jumps and run back

mosey back to flag for abs: Flamer, Flutter kicks, knee to chest abs (no one knew what they were called) but they suck, Dying cockroaches, 6ā€, Supermanā€™s, Planks and side planks, low planks, Carolina dry docks, and Slow count merkins

WOD Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. Ā Reminder when things gets really busy to stop turn the radio off and be still!

Always a pleasure fellas and I glad I didnā€™t have to Q myself. Thanks for trading Cuz!





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