QIC:  Sheamus


1 Lap of old ER
Mosey to the block pile and partner up. Grab a block and run to the entrance of the parking deck.
Partner BRICKS, amrap. Partner 1 does the workout while Partner 2 runs to next section of parking deck and does 10 of random exercise (LBCs, Squats, Merkins, Lunges, etc.) and then runs back. Switch.
B – Blockies
R – Rows
I – Incline Bench
C – Curls for the Girls
K – Kettlebell Swings
S – Squats

Once at the top, we did an Indian Run back down while passing the blocks backwards. It was awkward and tiring. Took the blocks back to the pile and then ran Hospital Hill back to the flag for some Asheville Abs.

When it comes to whom you serve, the real test is not when you are with friends or family—it’s when you are with “foreigners”—culturally, socially or spiritually. In that case our King was countercultural. Let’s see: women, kids, prostitutes, tax collectors, sinners, drunks, and lepers (to name a few) He honored with his presence, encouragement and help.  These were the people others threw money at but never sacrificed time and energy.  Abraham Hechel said it this way in A Passion of Truth, “The test of love is how one relates not to saints and scholars but to rascals.” Jesus was definitely drawn to the rascals, and because He belonged only to the Father.

Beaker got the Buick back, but who knows for how long. As of now, it needs a new windshield and a buick emblem to replace the one that fell off.
Phlegm won the Hospital Hill sprint since Jordache wasn’t there.
Crawdad’s Family Night is coming up on May 9th. Let Suppository know if you’re coming with the family.
Memorial Day 5k + Cookout on May 25th. Bring the family to this one too.
We’re staring a GoFundMe page for new shirts for Cousin Eddie. I’ll post the link later if you’re interested.

Yours truly,



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