QIC:  Cousin Eddie

Raining.  Shocker.  My yard is grass soup.  Twas warmer than normal, so we got that going for us.

Made a call out to all chaps on Voxer* and Twitter to gimme some high numbers.  10 of you listened and showed up.

FNG is here, Flex Seal’s 2.0, plus I recently listened to F3Nation’s podcast on safety: listen here, brah

so a proper disclaimer was provided.

Couple of warmups.  Made a sweet move and called for ATT’s, and starting doing Storm Troopers….I’m not a smart man, Jenny…after a couple of those we moseyed the long way to the bottom of Hospital Hill.  BLIMPS:  10 burpees at the bottom, 15 Lunges at the top, go into stairwells for I, M, P, S.  Finish at the bottom far stairwell.

Mosey to the back side of parking deck for a little surprise: a stack of blocks.  at the bottom of the lil’ hill, let’s do 25 curls.  Run to the top of the deck for 20 Russian Twists, go down a deck for 15 of the same, then down another for 10, one more for 5, return to bottom, do 25 more curls, repeat the same exercise on the opposite stairwell, come back for 25 curls.

Next exercise was ‘spoda be Plank Jacks but we were already running out of time, so we jumped ahead to Hand Release Merkins: 20 at top, 15 on next level, 10, 5, and one to grow on at the very bottom.  25 curls, repeat HRM on the other stairwell.

Burpees was next but we ran out of time.  Sorta glad that happened.

Killed the last 3 minutes with: 10 overhead presses IC, giblet squats, 10 IC, and 20 kettle bell swings.  Mosey back to where the flag normally is.   Apparently our ER Flag Holder, Jordache pulled an All-Nighter at Tooth Fairy’s crib as Jordache is doing a remodel for them and TF and his crew are getting back into town tonight so he, nor the flag, were there this am.

WOD:  Give it Away.  This thing isn’t ours.


  • Wonder what Jordache’s other excuses are for the last 30 weeks of not posting at ER?  (asking for a friend)
  • I’ve repeated that WOD about 3 times now.  Hopefully it sinks in this time.  You’ll likely hear it again on Wednesday if you post to OG.
  • 2018 was a whale of a year for Your Boy.  I posted to all HKY AO’s (including that red headed stepchild, Star) at some point or another.
    • Actually, I lied.  Hey Station, I’m coming for you soon.  Sorry fellas.
    • Also posted to Summerville (SC), Raleigh, Johnson City, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Seattle, and tried to find Austin (their website is super confusing).
  • Sorry this BB isn’t the best in the world.  Better one next time
  • Happy New Years Boys.  Look forward to an even better 2019 with all you jokers.

* holla at your boy if you want to be added to the stupidity that is Voxer.  The Nation uses Slack, but none of us are smart enough to figure that one out, so Voxer it is.



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