QIC:  Bartman (F3 Franklin TN)
  1. (Cousin Eddie here….this BB was sent to me by Bartman himself.  I’ll be chiming in w/ my comments in italicized parentheses as necessary)

    5 pax for 3ish mile pre-hustle kicking off at 0457 (supposed to be 0456, but Your Boy was 1 minute late)

    OG kickoff 0530 Disclaimer, Warm-o-Rama consisting of SSH 20x IC, 5x Good Mornings OYO, 10x Tempo Merkins IC, 20x Mountain Climbers IC

    The Thang: Each pax grab their own parking spot line and starting from curb… 1- Bear Crawl out, 10 diamond Merkins, Crawl bear back 2- bear Crawl out, 7 diamond Merkins, Crawl bear back 3- bear Crawl out, 5 diamond Merkins, Crawl bear back 4- bear Crawl out, 3 diamond Merkins, Crawl bear back 5- bear Crawl out, 1 diamond Merkins, Crawl bear back. (as someone that hates the hell out of Bear Crawls, this was awful, shoulders starting to sing a bit here)

    Quick Mosey over to playground at school… Time to introduce my Hickory brethren to Burpee Apocalypse…10 Burpees OYO, 9 Burpees OYO, 8 Burpees, all the way down to 1 burpee OYO. 55 total burpees (suck level:  pretty high here boys.  It may have been mentioned that Patty Mayo had a Burpeerection – should that be submitted to the Lexicon folks?…me thinks so – due to the amount of burpees done at this point in the workout). 1 round of 20 dips and 20 swerkins…this took longer than expected because Cousin Eddie lied and said there were more swings (false, I simply said there were swings.  Of course 4 is plenty of swings on a normal OG posting but we were all swole up with folks this am)… Now time introduce the pax to BCROF (Bear Crawl Ring of Fire)…pax bear crawl around in circle till Q says stop, 1 pax does 5 diamond Merkins, other pax hold plank…next pax does 5 diamond Merkins, pax still hold plank…all the way around till all pax have done 5 diamond Merkins. Then bearcrawl again till Q says stop…5 total round of this (diamond Merkins, staggered left, staggered right, Ranger Merkins, werkins). Mosey back to launch point. (Great Mother of Pearl, this sucked bad.  Shoulders were crying by this point)  Each pax grab some curb… 20x Rocky Balboas IC, Burpee broadjump (sucked) to other side of parking lot, 20x Rocky Balboas IC, Crawl bear back. Time for some DJs choice… 1 pax sprint a distance and back and calls out exercises for pax to do. Each pax sprints (exercises done; LBCs, WWIIs, Burpees (sucked), Squats, Imperial Storm Troopers, and several more). Circle up for some Mary- Pam A’s 30x OYO, 30x Flutter Kicks IC, 10x Dying Cockroaches IC, Laney Lou’s 5x each pax). Count-o-Rama, name-o-rama, BOM…we out!!

    Grateful for the opportunity to lead gents. Lots of great mumble chatter. Hope to make it out one more time before I head back to the great state of TN.

  2. Randy (F3_Bartman)

    Forgot about the contra burpees….that was before the rocky balboas… 1 Burpee, 1 merkin 2nd Burpee, 2 Merkins 3rd Burpee, 3 Merkins…all the way up to 10 (those sucked major dong).

    (I’ve said it before:  posting at another AO outside of your region is a ton of fun.  I’ve never had to opportunity to Q another one, but I imagine that is a fun experience.  Sorta like popping your cherry all over again.  Your Q Cherry that is, get your minds out of the gutter, people.  I enjoyed all of the suck – TWSS – of Bartman’s Q.  Would love to have him and/or Chicken Tenders/Battered Strips do it again.  Also enjoyed having Hot Lips and Taz come visit the OG.  Great to see you guys as well). 


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