QIC:  Everybody

By Flight, I do of course mean flight of stairs.  It was Christmas Eve morning and the workout was old ER style…ouch.  If you’ve had the “pleasure” in participating in 45 minutes of old school ER then you know.  If not, lucky you.  Q by committee in that a brief explanation was given and then we were off for the best, worst 45 minutes you’ll ever have…..wait for it!!

YHC had a lesson from Sunday School the day before on Joseph and his often overlooked roll in the life of Jesus as well as in the Christmas Story.  Long story short, Joseph stepped up and ws the husband that MAry needed him to be and the father that Jesus needed him to be even though he wasn’t technically Jesus’s father.  We could all take a lesson from that and from him.  Be the man your wife needs you to be, be the father your children need you to be. Don’t sit on the sidelines and watch the game or even worse, quit and stop playing all together.  Be a man, Do the right thing….If you don’t, who will?

Merry Christmas Suckahs!!



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