QIC:  Goodwill

I got the call to Q late Wed. Knowing the weather report I was prepared to post, do 2 burpees solo, then head home to start the coffee early. But I was pleasantly surprised to be joined by 7 other dedicated men.

Right off we moseyed to the covered courtyard of St Lukes to try to stay a little dry. It sort of worked…

Warm Up –

SSH x 15 IC, ATT x 12 IC, Humpy x 12 IC, Windmill x 12 IC

The Thang –

Started a round of BLIMPS without telling anyone –

10 Burpees OYO – In a counter-clockwise fashion around the courtyard – Lunges x 15 – Imperial Storm Troopers x 20 – Merkins x 25 – Plank Jacks x 30 – Squats x 35

Find a bench, Tricep Dips x 12 IC – Step-Ups x 10 IC (“I’m too tall for this” – Cuz, probably), Decline Merkins x 10 IC, Step-Ups x 10 IC, Incline Merkins x 10 IC

Mosey out into the rain to the back road, jogging down the hill toward Tooth Fairy’s house. Quick stop for obligatory Monkey Humpers x 10 IC since TF was fartsacking.

Continue around to Corinth covered breezeway for Wall Sits, Muhammed Ali x 15 IC, Joe Frazier x 15 IC. On our 6 for LBCs x 20 IC, Freddie Mercury x 15 IC, Jane Fondas x 10 IC on each side.

Move out to Corinth courtyard for more BLIMPS. 10 Burpees, lap around courtyard, 15 Lunges, lap around courtyard, 20 ISTs, lap around courtyard & so on to the end. Plank for the 6.

Mosey around building to another covered area for Asheville Abs (my favorite) x 5 each position IC.

Mosey the long way around Corinth parking lot & back through to St Lukes covered courtyard for Mary. Freddie Mercury x 15 IC, Scissor Kicks x 15 IC, Juanita x 15 IC.

Lots of exercises today. Nothing too difficult, but kept moving the whole time. Great job by all the guys.


I listened to a great F3 Podcast, one of CSPAN’s Weekly Roundtable calls, with Agony talking about Passivity. (file imbedded below) About how it’s easy for men to slip into a state of complacency, going through the motions, just showing up, marking time. But we can’t be High Impact Men by just showing up. He challenged listeners to look at 4 areas of your life and consider whether you’re accelerating Physically, Relationally, Spiritually, and in your Work Life. I realized I had committed to my Physical acceleration, but I could easily identify places in my Relationships, Spiritual Life, and Work life that I had grown complacent or wasn’t being intentional and might be missing important opportunities. Engaging with my wife and kids instead of staring at my phone or watching tv, exploring new ways of doing things at work instead of just greasing the wheels or putting out fires, and actually reading the Word or pursuing understanding instead of sleeping in on Sundays or doing anything besides spending time with the Lord. What areas are you slipping into Passivity?


I also read an article that was like a gut-punch (linked below). It talked about the incredible number of men “out” in today’s America. Millions of men unemployed and not seeking work, young men still living with and being supported by parents, men divorced or not interested in marriage, struggling with substance abuse, not engaged with their families or community, and fathering children outside of marriage. I think F3 is the antithesis to all these things. We can’t survive as a society if we let millions of men slip into passivity and complacency. And as men committed to acceleration in all areas of our lives, it’s up to us to find and encourage other men we know to choose the harder path of making progress in these areas. I’m about to have my 3rd daughter in a few weeks, and knowing this is the America they’re coming into, I pray that there are men of character and commitment being raised today who will be worthy of marrying one of my daughters when the time comes. If you have sons, make sure they’re worthy of the amazing woman they’ll one day marry.


Thank you men for committing to the harder path. For not allowing yourself to be Passive. I, and many many others, need men like you.

  • Goodwill out



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