QIC:  Twin

Rolled in…..9PAX. Not shabby for a Prison Break Q. Lets do it

Warm Up

  • Old Man back Stretch
  • LAC
  • RLAC
  • Chinooks
  • ATT

Mosey to the Sidewalk

PAX lined up in a line. PAX would lie on their stomachs with space between each other while the PAX in the back of the line would run over them. We did this all the way to the Police station.

At the Police Station: Calf Raises

Mosey back to the AO

DORA 123 with Blocks

PAX were divided into teams of 2 and were given 3 Blocks. They placed the blocks across the parking lot in a suicide type fashion. P1 would run to the first block and complete the designated exercise, while P2 completed 20 merkins. When P2 completed his merkins, he would run to the block to relieve P1. P1 would go back to the starting location and complete 20 merkins.(This is very hard to explain. Hopefully that makes since)

  • Block 1 – 100 Squats
  • Block 2 – 200 Curls
  • Block 3 – 300 Overhead press

Circled up for the Ring of Will

This is a burn out Routine. Called a couple of block exercises and we tried to see who was the manliest of all…

  • Curls
  • Overhead

Time w/ Mary

  • Hello Dolly
  • X-Factors
  • WW2’s
  • American Hammer Burn-outs


Talked about Job’s life.


  • Burnout Winners
    • Curls – Goodwill
    • Overhead – Nobody or everybody. Everyone dropped their block at 50.
    • American Hammers – Audit. This is really not fair, he is the only person there that has abs
  • Baby Face and Swinger are so programmed that when YHC called LAC as the first exercise, they both literally started doing SSH. Hilarious!
  • LOT’S OF COMPLAINING this morning. More so than I’m used to. I guess that means it was a good one.
  • I applaud any man who runs 5 miles and then attempts to workout afterwards……Nice work Friar
  • Goodwill and Swinger had a pretty epic Curl burn out battle. Ya’ll enjoy walking around with T-Rex arms today


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