QIC:  Flex Seal

An OG Backblast 3 weeks in a row – WOW!


The Thang:


5 Pax showed up for a pre-run or pre-ruck @ 5am then everyone circled up for warm-up that included:


  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Humpies
  • Imperial Storm Troopers
  • Alternating Toe Touches
  • Little Arm Circles
  • Reverse Little Arm Circles
    • Has Been’s Dirty Bird was attempted and mumble chatter included changing the name of this exercise to “Little Baby Makers”

Short Mosey to the Taj Ma Toilet where PAX were led in:

  • Wall sits
    • Wonder Bras
    • Muhammad Ali
  • Balls to the Wall – Mumble chatter included something about applying lotion to its skin and putting the dog in the basket???
  • Wall Sits
    • Overhead Claps
    • Joe Frasier’s

Mosey to 12 St. Dr NW

  • Decline Merkins

Mosey to corner top of hill on 15th Ave NW

  • Squats

Mosey to Old Lenoir Road @ Bottom of Hill

  • Merkins

Mosey to Burke County for BC Abs Ring of Fire – where YHC was violently attacked by at least one tiny insect!

  • Goodwill – Jane Fonda’s – Couple of PAX were awkwardly close to each other on this??? Just sayin! Maybe they were spooning?? – must be a BRR thang!
  • Phlegm – Freddie Mercury’s
  • Cousin Eddie – American Hammers – Cuz did claim to see a shooting star. HYC is pretty sure he wished for more Backblast to be written!
  • Flex Seal – Box Cutters
  • Daewoo – 6 Inch, In & Outs, Up & Downs – Yep, plenty of mumble chatter here!!!
  • Patty Mayo – Pretzels

Mosey down the hill to bottom of Old Lenoir Road – Pair UP!

  • Partner 1 – 10 merkins then run up hill to catch partner 2
  • Partner 2 – Lunge walk up the hill on 15th Ave NW until Partner 1 catches you – then 10 merkins
  • Rinse & Repeat to light pole at top of hill

Mosey to Playground

  • Tricep Dips
  • Calf Raises

Mosey to 12 St. Dr NW

  • Curbkins

Mosey to Shovel Flag in Parking Lot

  • Two lines of Peek A Boo Street’s
  • Channeling HYC’s nonexistent past as a collegiate Defensive Back – 1 lap around the parking lot of Backpedaling to 1st light  – turn and sprint to 2nd light – which PAX decided to name “The Deion Sanders”
    • Who knew Phlegm could channel his inner Neon Deion?????

Circle up at Shovel Flag

  • Phlegm led Asheville Abs
    • 10 count up
    • 5 count down
  • Plank Jacks
  • Alternating Shoulder taps


YHC called it complete with two minutes to spare.


WOD: Assume positive intent in others (even if its undeserved) and keep our attitudes positive. Keep your thoughts Positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny! ~ Mahatma Gandhi


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