QIC:  Flex Seal

The Mount is famous for two things:

  1. Patty Mayo searching for pre-runners prior to every workout
  2. Cinder Block Coupons


So – After Patty found a couple of suckers to join him (YHC & Daewoo) – 9 PAX made themselves better and The Mount BBB Approved! With Blocks, Bears, and more Blocks


Warm Up


  • Side Straddle Hops
  • One Leg Pickle Pushers
  • Humpies
  • Lil Arm Circles
  • Reverse Lil Arm Circles
  • Butt Kickers
  • Imperial Storm Troopers


Mosey to Parking Lot:


At Parking Lot Island –

Sprint the straights / mosey or walk the curves – 3 laps


Mosey to Block Pile – All B.L.O.C.K.S exercises are done with a Cinder Block Coupon!

B-L-O-C-K-S & Bears – Bear crawl forward / backward with block between each exercise

  • Block Burpees – 10
  • Lunges -15 each leg
  • Over Head Press – 20
  • Curls for Gurls – 25
  • Kettle Block Swings – 30
  • Squats – 35

PLANK for 6!

More B-L-O-C-K-S

  • Big Boy Sit Ups w. Block – 10
  • Low Merkins (between Blocks)– 15
  • Overhead Flutter Kicks – in cadence  – 20
  • Crossover Merkins– 25
  • Kettle Block Front Raises – 30
  • Step Ups with Block – 35 each Leg – YHC was definitely questioning the rep count at around 20 REPs of the 1st leg! Even the stairwell of the ER was looking good at this moment!

Plank for 6!


Mosey to Flag

  • 3 rounds of high/lows
  • American Hammers
  • LBC’s
  • Freddie Mercury’s


WOD – Job 38:29-30 29From whose womb comes the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens 30when the waters become hard as stone, when the surface of the deep is frozen? – Don’t sweat the small stuff. God has his designs in everything – even the small water molecule that is the only substance known to man that is less dense in its solid form than in its liquid form. This allows oceans / lakes to form a layer of ice floating on the surface insulating the depths allowing aquatic life to thrive – otherwise oceans, lakes, etc would freeze from the bottom-up and life could not exist. God is in control of even the tiniest details!



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