QIC:  Sooner

I’m running a little late on the backblast, but better late than never.

Warmup: SSH, ATT, Imperial Storm Troopers

The Thang:

St. Luke’s courtyard for pullups and lunge walk

10, 8, 6, 4, 2 pull ups with 10 lunges each leg in bettwen

Mosey to the bottom of the hill by LHCC. Partner up for some hill repeats.

Partner 1 – run to top of the hill and back down, Partner 2 – AMRAP different exercises until Partner 1 returns.  Challenge for PAX: run up the hill faster than you run down.

Exercises – Plank, Merkins, Squats, Lunges, Carolina Dry Docks, WWII Sit ups, Imperial Storm Troopers, Burpees, LBCs

For some reason Thursday, August 16th between 5:45-6:00 the hill by LHCC had the highest traffic count in its history.  There was more traffic at that intersection that YHC had ever seen in the wee hours.  It did provide a nice break in some of the AMRAP exercises…but also a little dangerous.

Mosey to the tunnel at Corinth for people’s chair with a block.  PAX lined up on both sides of the tunnel, and passed a block between them with each PAX doing 10 reps of overhead press w block. Rinse and Repeat with 15 Curls.

Mosey to low wall, 10 incline merkins, 10 tricep dips, 10 alternating step-ups and 15 decline merkins

Back to the flag for 5 minutes of abs, led by different PAX.



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